25 November 2012

Stop feeding your feelings

Emotional eating is a habit of regularly consuming large quantities of food, usually fast, greasy or sugary foods, as a result of your feelings, not hunger. 

How to recognize it?
  • Emotional hunger appears suddenly and physical "creates" gradually.
  • If you suffer from emotional hunger, you eat certain foods such as ice cream, chips, pizza and only that food will satisfy you. If you eat because you're really hungry, you will think about other options and will include healthier food.
  • Emotional eating does not stop when your hunger is satisfied and you continue with eating. If you eat because you are really hunger, you'll probably stop entering food when you feel that your hunger disappeared.
  • Emotional hunger begins in your head. Physical hunger occurs in the stomach.
  • Once your emotional hunger would be "happy", it causes feelings of guilt. If eating is caused by actual physical hunger, there won't be such a problem.
How to stop it?

Although emotional eating is caused by negative emotions, you can control the continuing need for the consumption of large amounts of harmful foods. Here are a few tips.

1. Learn how to make a difference between physical and emotional hunger.
2. Discover what causes your emotional hunger.
3. Get rid of the temptation (ice cream, chocolate, chips)
4. Satisfy your hunger with healthy food.
5. Find an activity that will replace your eating.
6. Do not skip regular meals.
7. Kill your boredom.
8. Reduce your stress.
9. Exercise.
10. Sleep enough.

14 November 2012

Nicole Scherzinger : Diet and Fitness

Nicole Scherzinger's moto: "Stay active, eat everything in moderation and stop being so tough on yourself."

To keep her body in top shape, Nicole Scherzinger eats everything, but in moderation and never skip meals. "Even with my crazy schedule, I'm never skipping meals." - says Nicole for the Shape magazine.


Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs, smoked salmon and integral bread

Lunch: thin sliced ​​pieces of processed meat and cheese that are served cold, vegetables and fruits

Dinner: chicken or fish with rice and vegetables.

"I have tried every diet out there and they don’t work, I started jogging and counting calories when I was just 14. I have been on every diet you can imagine. By the time I was in the Pussycat Dolls, I was on the scale all the time. It became my enemy because I noticed that when I exercised really hard, I’d gain weight. Now that I’m in my 30s, I have stepped off the scale and I just go by how my clothes fit."


With both hands hold medical ball (4-8 pounds) (if you do not have such a ball, use weight). Spread your feet slightly wider than your hips, bend slightly at the knees and place the ball in front of your hips. Rotate your shoulders to the left and take the ball away from the left hip (position A).

Turn the upper body and lift the ball right over your head (position B). Return to the original position and do 12-15 repetitions, then start doing the exercise on the reverse side.

Take a push-ups position, and rely your palms on two small towels. Push with the left hand to the floor and slowly slide it forward (see picture). Turn the palm in the original position, and then do the same with your right hand to complete the exercise. Make a total of 10 repetitions.

If you find it difficult, try to rely on the floor with your knees.

Lie on the floor and lift your legs straight towards the ceiling. Hold hands along with the body (position A). Slowly lower your legs to the floor to complete the exercise. Do 10 repetitions.

Then, place your hands behind your head and bend your knees at right angle. Move your knees toward your chest (position B), and then lower them to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions.

Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor and lift your arms up over your chest. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor (position C), and then lower them. Do 10 repetitions.

Attach a rope to solid immovable object. Stand towards the rope, slightly spread legs and knees slightly bent. Grasp one handle, and hold on the shoulder height. Bend your elbows and move the hands to the head (see picture), and then return to its original position. Do 12-15 repetitions.

Stand with your back turned towards the rope, keep your feet at shoulder width. Grasp one handle and let your elbows bent at the ear height. Bend slightly forward and outstretched your hands (see picture). Then, bend the elbows again. Do 12-15 repetitions.

03 November 2012

4 Abdominal Exercises

In addition you will find four exercises that are a little more challenging, but they give a greater effect.


Stand in push-ups position, then lean your elbows on the floor. Hands need to be on the same width with shoulders and curled into fists and directed towards each other. Tighten your abdominal muscles and set your body inn a straight line (Picture 1).

Push your hips up and hold in this position for 2 seconds (Picture 2), and then return to its original position.

Do 8 reps. After a pause of 2-3 minutes, do another series of eight repetitions.


Lie on the floor and place your hands in addition to the body with palms to the floor. Bend your right knee and place your right ankle over left knee. Your left leg during the whole exercise should be straight. Using your abs, lift your left leg and place it diagonally, at an 45° angle from the floor (Picture 1).

Tighten abdominal muscles and lift your legs up so that your hips move away from the floor (Picture 2). Then lower your hips on the floor and put your legs in a diagonal position.

Repeat 8 times.


Lie on your back and bend your knees so that your feet will rely on the floor. Set your hands along with the body with the palms on the floor. Lift your left leg up and try to form a right angle from the floor (Picture 1).

Push with your right foot on the floor and raise your hips up. The body needs to shape a straight line from shoulders to knees (Picture 2). Lower your hips down, just to touch the floor, and then restart.

Do 8 reps with raised left leg and 8 with raised right leg.


Lie on the floor and place your hands behind your head. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and at the same time pull your knees towards the chest (Picture 1).

Lower your head and shoulders on the floor while you upright your legs and set them diagonally, at an angle of 45° from the floor (Picture 2).

During the entire exercise keep your abdominal muscles very tight. Repeat 10 times, make a 1 minute break and continue with a series of eight repetitions.

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