01 September 2012

Kim Kardashian : Diet

Kim eats few times daily - breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack - so her metabolism stays fast all the time.

For this summer Kardashian's coach advise all weight loss enthusiasts to choose at least one eating rule and to comply with it. This rule can be:

`no eating 3 hours before bedtime
`last meal does not contain complex carbohydrates
`protein at every meal
`eating breakfast 30 minutes after waking up
`eating 30 minutes after exercise
`eating fruit at least twice a day

Kim's marriage ended with divorce, but her wedding look will be long remembered. These were Gunnar Peterson's advice for Kim:

`8 hours of sleep. I know it's really difficult, but your body will be stronger!
`Breakfast. Do not skip breakfast or will encourage the body to store fat.
`Exercising with weights. Raise widely, raise quickly and exit the gym - do not be slow! Raising weights will speed up your metabolism.
`Change the cardio exercises intensity. Fast, slow, fast, slow  it will make you burn like fire.
`Water, water, water.

Kim Kardashian about...

Inspiration for the exercise: "In the days when I need extra motivation, I think: bikini, bikini, bikini."

Sweet, confidende, cellulite: "Of course there are days when I feel insecure. I wish there wasn't. But I love to eat! Especially sweet. And I will say that I'm fat and I have cellulite. But when I put a lot of time in practice, I get confident. I have to feel good to look good."

Inspiring star: "While I was growing up, I was constantly watching skinny models that I could not get connected with. Salma Hayek and Jennifer Lopez prove that you can be curvy and be proud of that. "

Time for exercise: "Exercise is the only time when I can turn off myslef. It's the best feeling! When I see people in the gym talking on the phone, I want to tell them: This is your time. Use it!"


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