01 September 2012

Kim Kardashian : Fitness

"There's nothing easy in being fit and healthy. I would never say: eat what you want or do not exercise. It's not real. To look and feel good, I'm cautious with the calories and do some exercise."

Kim Kardashian's favorite coach is Gunnar Peterson, who has created her favorite fitness program. Kim recently revealed her fitness plan for the magazine "Shape".

30-year-old star makes these exercises 2-3 times a week. Perform 5-10 minutes of cardio, doing each exercise without a break and in the end she's doing 50 jumping rope. This cycle repeats 4 times.
Kim makes exercises with medicine ball that weighs 10 pounds (if you don't have such a ball and if you want to do exercises, take your weight instead of the ball) and two small weights.
A. Stand up straight and set your feet at the same width as your shoulders. Hold the ball close to the right ear, so you keep your elbows bent.
B. Step to the left and yield, while taking the ball to the outside of the ankle on the left foot. Return to the original position.
*Repeat this exercise 6-15 times to the left, and then do the same to the right.
A. Stand up straight and spread your legs so that the toes of the feet be directed slightly "out". Hold the ball with both hands in front of your chest. Kneel low, so that you bring the ass as much as you can closer to the floor, and at the same time move the ball to the floor and touch it.
B. Straighten and raise your hands high above the head. When you look up you should see the ball - it should be slightly behind you.
*Repeat this exercise 6-15 times.
A. Stand up straight and set your feet at the same width as your shoulders. Hold the ball in front of your chest, so that the elbows are directed away.
B. Start to rotate left and then on the right.
*Do 6-15 repetitions. Do the second series with hands stretched forward breast height.
A. Take the push-up position and set the ball a few centimeters to the left shoulder. Put the left hand on the ball.
B. Do 6-10 push-ups. Then set the ball under your right arm and make another series.
A. Sit on the floor and pick up the ball in your hands. Tilt back and lift your legs off the floor. Keep your knees bent and your feet together. Place the ball in front of you.
B. Start turning the upper body to the left and with your hands bring the ball to the floor. Do the same on the right side.
*Repeat this exercise 6-15 times.
A. Take one weight in each hand and place your feet at shoulder width. Kneel at an angle of 45° and move your elbows backward so that the weights be next to your chest
B. Imagine that you are in the center of the clock and your face is turned to 12 o'clock. Step with your left foot on 7 pm and kneel with the right foot. Your left leg should be almost straight, and your right knee should be in line with the ankle. Return to the original position, and then repeat the same on the other side.
*Do 6-15 repetitions.
A. Take one weight in each hand, stand up straight and place your feet at shoulder width. Hands need to be directed towards the body. Kneel so that you can move weights towards the floor.
B. While you straight up, raise the weights to your shoulders and bend your hands (palms need to be directed towards the body). Outstretched hands forward, bring them back to your shoulders and then lower down.
*Repeat this exercise 6-15 times.


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