1. Exercising on an empty stomach. Do you skip a meal before you start with physical activity? It is time to stop this bad habit because the calories you burn come from the muscles, not from the fat. And the more muscle a person has, the more calories are burned. Having a meal before exercising will not only help you to save muscle mass, but will give you more energy to complete the workout. Perfect meal time is about 1.5-2 hours before starting with physical activity.
2. You reward yourself. "I exercise an hour - I earn two pieces of cake." In your head exercise may justifies the intake of extra calories, but do not be surprised when the scale does not show the desired results. Physical activity usually does not burn as many calories as you imagine, but significantly less. (For example, one hour aerobics burns about 450 calories and a normal chocolate (100g) has about 500 calories.) It is recommended that your meal after exercise contains about 150 calories.
3. You eat too little. Yes, it is true that if you want to lose weight there should be less calories, but the number of entered calories can be a serious obstacle for weight loss. The human body has built up its own defense mechanism to survive in extreme conditions. When you enter few calories, it slows down the metabolism and burning calories and begins to store fat, because it "thinks" that starvation will continue. Well, at some point, despite exercise your weight will be the same. Generally women should not enter less than 1,200 calories per day.
4. Your workout is a routine. It is great that your workout is a habit, but not when you do it without effort. Repeating the same exercises is not a good strategy for weight loss because the body gets used to the exercises and begin to burn fewer calories. Therefore, your weight will be the same. To lose weight and to have a maximum effect of exercise, you should constantly change the exercises, to increase their intensity, sequence and rest between them.
5. Your weights are too small. Training with weights builds your muscles and speed up your metabolism, which leads to burning more calories. Exercising with light weights does not lead to increased muscle mass. Choose a weight that will tire your muscles after 12 repetitions. When you can do 15 reps with that weights, increase the weight. Minor muscle pain is normal, but you should not feel a strong sharp pain.
6. You are not sleeping enough (7-8 hours). Lack of sleep can reduce the benefits of your body workout and have the opposite effect than desired. For muscles to work at full capacity, you need to give them the needed rest. Moreover, the lack of sleep reduce your energy, slows metabolism and increases your appetite, and does not support your weight loss efforts.
8. You expect results too soon. If you expect to reduce weight in the first 1-2 weeks of exercise, you can only be disappointed. You can see the exercise benefits after 2-4 weeks, at least. Patience is the key to your success.