30 January 2013

7 exercises that reduce the symptoms of PMS

Instead of anxiously waiting to spend the days of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), get up and do the exercises described below. They will help you to relax, to improve circulation and to detach you from food or stomach pain.

Lie on your back. Bend your legs and bring your knees as close as possible to the chest. With hands press the legs to the chest so that the palms be merged (see picture). Very slowly breathe in and breathe out 15 times.

Lie on your stomach, bend your legs and feet direct them towards your buttocks. With the left hand grasp the left leg, and right arm - right leg. Then, as you breathe in raise your thighs and upper body (see picture). Be careful, it is not necessary to lift very high. Stay in this position until you breathe out and breathe three times. Lower thighs and chest on the floor. Repeat this exercise again.

Lie on your back. Bend your knees and start to descend to the floor, and at the same time merge feet. Place the palms on the thighs and with them stretch the legs (see picture). Do not spread your legs too! The moment you start to feel pain stop placing knees. Hold in this position for a minute, constantly breathe slowly and deeply. Repeat this exercise at least 2 times.

Lie on your back.Put your hands on the floor while they press down, raise the legs up towards the ceiling. Then, place your hands on your waist to keep the body in that position (see picture). Breathe in and breathe out deeply 7-8 times, and then lower.

Stand upright, so that the legs to be set at the same width with shoulders. Bend forward and lower your upper body toward the floor. The palm of his right hand, place the left elbow and the palm of his left hand - right elbow (see picture). Very slow move the upper body left-right. Do it one minute.

Lie on your stomach and lean elbows and palms of the hands keep them glued to the floor. While you breathe in, lift the upper body and left leg (see picture). Breathe out while I pull back on the floor. Repeat, but this time lift your right foot. Make 10 alternating repetitions.

Kneel on your knees and lean arms. Palms of the hands should be under your shoulders and knees under hips. Start replacing the buttocks back on his feet, and move your chest towards knees. Forehead rely on the floor, and hands pull back on his feet (see picture). Hold this position for 1-2 minutes.


WinBro said...

I should tell my girlfriend to start doing these :D

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