18 August 2012

Summer food

Most people diet and exercise in spring, so they can be in a good shape for the summer. But if you didn't manage to enter in top form, don't be disappointed.

`Summer is the ideal season for dieting and weight loss. Experts say that people who are on a diet in summer achieve greater success.
`One of the reasons is that the sunlight increases the level of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Increased level of serotonin will reduce your desire for eating, especially the desire to consume fatty or sugary fatty foods.
`Another advantage that summer brings is the ability to spend a long time outdoors. Increased physical activity, whether it be normal walks around town or playing sports in the park, is leading to a greater number of burned calories and weight loss.
`Best of all is that in the summer there are so many delicious food that does not contain a lot of calories. There are plenty of low-fat fruits and vegetables, so you can not only enhance your appearance but also improve your health. Here are some of them:


Watermelon is a great fruit to tread thirst in the summer heat, as well as to satisfy your desire for sweet foods. And all this without increasing your weight. If you are feeling hungry and/or thirsty, you will not mistake if you choose watermelon.
But watermelon is not just water. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and B6.

150g watermelon = 45kcal


Beets reduces weight in different ways. It helps to get rid of excess water that is retained in the body, prevents constipation, and contain vegetable fiber which play an important role in the fight against fat.
Consumption of beets will help you deal with fatigue and depression.
One of the most important vitamins for women, folic acid, is present in beets. Moreover, beets is a rich source of magnesium, iron, vitamin C and potassium, and enhances immunity, protects against many cancers (particularly colon cancer) and heart disease.

85g beetroot = 37kcal

Black plums

Whether you eat them fresh or dried, black plums are great for keeping your line, because they are low-fat and rich with vegetable fiber and vitamin C.
Dried plums are ideal snack. It helps you to satisfy your appetite without consuming a lot of calories.

66g black plums = 30kcal


Blueberries are super foods that fight many diseases, because it contains many antioxidants that destroy free radicals in the body. They improve circulation, while reducing body fat, especially in the abdomen.
This fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin E and vegetable fiber.

70g blueberries = 40kcal


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