31 August 2012

Fit in 15 minutes

Forget the excuse that "you have no time for workout" and have will for shaping your body. So stand up and do this short training consisted of seven effective exercises. Fitness experts claim that long exercise sessions are not necessary to be fit.

Sprint 4 minutes 

Before starting with the exercise, accelerate the heart rhythm and bring the body into a state of burning calories with sprint in place. 30 seconds - running in place very fast, then 30 seconds -  rest. Make a total of four such iterations.

7 exercises for the whole body

Be in push-up position. Do one push-up, and then move the left knee towards your chest (see picture). Return the knee back. Make one more push-up, then immediately pull your right knee towards your chest. Return to the original position.

*Repeat this exercise only once.

Lie on the floor and spread your arms and legs so that your body make the "X" shape. In both hands, hold a small weight. Tighten your abs and simultaneously move the left arm and right leg to each other (see picture). Then, go back to the original position.

*Repeat the same exercise, but with the right arm and left leg. Make a total of 10 repetitions.

Sit on the floor, and hold a small weight in the hands. Lift your legs about 25 inches from the floor. Your knees should be slightly bent. Bend backwards so that the upper body make an angle of about 45° from the floor. Stretched your arms in front of the body and slowly turn the upper body to the right, keeping your feet static (see picture). Then, slowly turn to the left.

*Do 8 repetitions.

Stand up straight, take a weight and hold it with both hands at chest height. Jump and spread your legs while lifting your arms over your head (see picture). Then, jump and go back to the original position.

*Do 20 repetitions.

Stand up straight and set your feet at the same width with the hips. Bend forward and place your hands on the floor, at the same width with your shoulders. At this point your body should have the form of a reverse "V". Bend your left leg, move your knee towards the chest, and then immediately stretched leg back (see picture).

*Do 8 repetitions with your left leg and 8 with your right.

Stand up straight, set your feet at the same width with the hips and in both hands hold a small weight. Bend your right leg and lift it behind you. Lean forward while moving weights toward the left foot. Your left knee should be slightly bent (see picture). Return to the original position.

*Do 10 repetitions with the right leg, then 10 with the left.

Stand and spread your legs. Place your palms on the back of your head and pull the stomach inward. Lean forward until your upper body is parallel to the floor. Hold your legs straight (see picture). Then, straight up.

*Repeat this exercise eight times.

It is enough to make this 15 minutes-fitness-session twice a week in order to increase energy and shape your body without taking you a lot of time.


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